Saturday, April 16, 2011


Hello, my name is simon and in the following pages I want to show you all what I have learned during 5 years of owning poodles.

I have been adopted a dog since my age of 5. The first dog that I adopted is German Sherped after that Great Dane then go to Rottweiler, Shih Tzu, Doberman, Pug, Pekingnese, Maltese, Schnauzer, and Now Toy Poodle.

Poodles are special
The poodles are special. They are one of the most beautiful and intelligent breeds. They are elegant, and some time a little arrogant. But you will love a poodle like your own child and surrender to all her demands.

Choosing a Dog
We will start by choosing a dog, is it a puppy or an adult is it male or female among other questions?

The different types, color of poodle, and sizes of poodle those range from the big Standard to the tiny tea cup poodles. Their characteristics behavior and training are very different.